30 June 2009


Tittat på bröllopsbilder från prof's bröllop, riktigt trevligt. Självklara bilder på prof & Isabelle (hon hade förresten en riktigt fin klänning på sig) men även lite fina (stads & stenhus) bilder från Gumpoldskirchen! :)

Annars så är det mest huvudvärk här ikväll, och dags att dricka te och ha infrachatt (tänk så fort veckorna går)! Nonsens som sagt.

Nightly mission: white roses

Had a small nightly mission again. Currently not raining over here so things tend to get dry (sunny days too), so I felt like I had to give some of the plants in the garden some water. Just since I happen to want the lawn to stay green and the white roses to bloom even more! The red roses are...out of question this far :(

So around 00:30 I headed out. Approx. 14°, no wind & daylight (got to love these summer nights) - perfect!
Now I know that the white roses are soooooo going to stay alive for some more days, very nice since each time I open my window (happens a lot) I can scent them. Now, if only the room could become a bit cooler and the traffic outside of the house could vanish for some hours so that I could get some sleep! Why not shut down the road during nights? ;)

Happy. Me and my roses.

20 June 2009

Shit, I am sleepy.

18 June 2009

Midsummer. People generally escape from the city, gather themselves up somewhere in the green non-city environment. I think I will do the opposite this year and not escape, going to stay in the city.

I love my usual escape destination, love it as it usually is. It gives me time and space to think, without having a lot of people around, just having the ones I want to have around actually around. During midsummer that won't happen, as people who never ever sets their feet around that place during any of the other weeks of the year gather themselves up around there too. All of a sudden my escape destination is a crowded nightmare.

But then again. Who knows what I will do? It is midsummer. Ancient things we thought were forgotten are brought back and you never know what happens...Except from the usual rain, the mosquitoes, the way too drunk guy/girl you try to escape from, the dancing, the drinking, the eating, the late night swim in that lake, those memories from past years...

midsummer:2 2008rhubarb vodkamidsommarblomster / Wood Cranesbill / Geranium sylvaticummidsummer:1 2008

...and suddenly you wake up the next day!

16 June 2009

Done. And done.

Application handed in. Now, let's wait. Again. For new things to happen, new things to experience.

Like a...leaf in the wind.

15 June 2009

"I hear you calling and it's needles and pins (and pins)
I want to hurt you just to hear you screaming my name."

Gimme Friday back. Or something.

14 June 2009

14 June 2009: déjà vu

If I was not as happy as I am, then I would be really sad now.

Experiencing some serious déjà vu - room is dark, window is open, sitting on the floor, can hear traffic outside, trees form dark shadows against a bright summer night sky, distant voices carried by the wind. Just like back then.

07 June 2009

Röstat. För min rätt till ett privatliv. För när det verkligen gäller finns det inget viktigare.

Fred utan privatliv är nästan krig.

06 June 2009

6 juni 2009

I am bored. So what can I do on this "National Day of Sweden", which also happens to be a public holiday? "Celebrating" is not an option for me, due to the fact that I don't feel like this day has a special meaning for me. It's just like a random day that someone once declared as being something special. Midsummer means more to me, somehow, it feels more "Swedish" than today does.

Had an overdose of football as I was young, so tonight I am running away from things as Sweden & Denmark play. Perhaps I can find something creative to do instead of watching a game in which grown up men run after a white/black ball on a green field? ;)

Oh, and tomorrow is election day over here. Time for us to vote and continue fighting for our freedom. And yes, I now know what/whom to vote upon.

04 June 2009


It's Juuuuuuune, and that's nice (in a boring way too). Anyone who has yet another job to offer me?

I need some more activity. Seriously.