I interpret this as a code...and using the numbers to get letters from you last post I get the message "hae", which is the name of a Bishop of the United Methodist Church. I can hence conclude that you have had a religious epiphany and now know the meaning of life, the universe and everything...
I interpret this as a code...and using the numbers to get letters from you last post I get the message "hae", which is the name of a Bishop of the United Methodist Church. I can hence conclude that you have had a religious epiphany and now know the meaning of life, the universe and everything...
Hahahahahahaha...Intressant tolkning från dig Åkemannen, fantasi har du gott om! :D
Fantasi är viktigt för oss som försöker fly verkligheten =)
Håller med, håller med. Hur skulle det annars gå, om vi inte hade fantasi? Fatta vad tråkigt...
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