22 October 2009

feeling so free

Suddenly, tonight I feel so free.

Perhaps it's the lack of sleep from last night causing it, I do believe I should sleep before I go even more mad. Tomorrow is another day. New books to read. New people to meet. New challenges to face. New seconds, minutes and hours to experience.


19 October 2009

ngt så enkelt

Är helt frälst av Linus på linjen! Det kan man kalla barndomsminnen med klass ;)

Intressant att något så enkelt som en linje kan uppfattas som så roligt. Kanske är ett levande bevis för att vi egentligen inte behöver alla komplicerade saker vi tror oss behöva? :D

14 October 2009

There is something with how the light shines upon colours, making things glow.
Autumn. What else?

13 October 2009

*learning new stuff*

Oh, apparently I don't have to apply for the next course within my study programme, it's done automatically (they transfer the people from this course to the next one...). Interesting, so different from what they did at my old university where you had to apply for all courses throughout the entire study programme (except from the courses during your first semester).

Am currently slowly working myself through the books & everything else that I need to learn right now, before the exam in the beginning of next month. Should also soon need to start with the short essay (due 23rd or so)...Focus is set to different learning processes and the basic use of them - most of it feels like psychology though! ;)


02 October 2009

Time to bury someone again

Heading to John's funeral :(