31 July 2009


Long time, long seen. Fortfarande lite lätt less på vissa saker. Kanske lite mer AFK hjälper?

Happy sysadmin day ppl!

24 July 2009

Åke(mannen) visited me the other days, on his way from the north to the south. Hadn't seen him in way too many years so it was a nice visit! *tnx*


Why not? We are not that old! ;)

19 July 2009


*stupid allergic body*


Yesterday I spent a lovely sunny half day pretty much crawling upon old ruins, graves & fields over at the Kvissle-Nobly-Prästbolet area, checking all these things they built sometime 800-1000 years ago and then really realising that these things are still around and available to us almost without restrictions. Nice day if I just remove the moment when I ran into the 35++ number of cows, that were not that social and nice, in the middle of the forest! Well well, shit happens and then we move on.

It's that time of year, I guess.

16 July 2009

So what's new?

I accepted it. A bit of new life & new ambitions coming up next then, yet another change of direction in life. Why do I keep ending up doing these? A bit restless perhaps? ;)

Hurt a finger today too, it's slightly blue now. Only since I tried to save a butterfly being way off from where it should be. Butterfly is still alive though, so I guess something went well!

Thunderstorm clouds of today were very nice.

13 July 2009

beep beep

Started with an early morning. Then spent the day in the land of nowhere. Place where cellphones do not even work. Loads of mosquitoes. Roads where two cars barely can meet. Green trees. Blue sky. White fluffy clouds. Grey calm clouds. Black thunderous clouds. Loads of wild flowers. Picnic. Scent of forest. Scent of freshness.

Now some tea.

Nice. Happy.