31 July 2008

allergic reactions - 2008 edition

They really suck. I am not used to noticing anything at this time of year, my previous summers up in Luleå, where everything grows & blooms later, have spoiled me. There I usually just had some days in August that was troubling me. Now, being 500++ km to the south...it sucks.

*starting to eat medicine tomorrow in order to get rid of this*


30 July 2008

evenings getting dark, again :(

Can't really believe it but the evenings start to be dark again. Just noticed that it's before midnight and slightly dark + that they have turned on the streetlamps again!!! Come on - it's July, not September!!! What happened with our lovely summer nights?

"summer dreams ripped at the seams, but oh those summer nights"
(by Warren Casey & Jim Jacobs,
single released in 1978)

Långviken from its good side

Långviken - our viewLooks relaxing, doesn't it? Calm in some way.
Space to think, space to do almost whatever you want without having other people running around your feet. Swedish nature from its good side, almost makes me forget about the dreadful (?) winter.

I feel like going back for a swim, or just to relax some more. Or just to "be". Who knows?


29 July 2008

Sweet little alpaca

alpacaSaw this one and its family on the way home from nowhere yesterday. Not really common animals over here in Sweden ;)

So sweet with those big dark eyes. Who can resist such thing? (for sure some ppl, but still...)

och nästa läsprojekt är...

Ingen som helst aning om vad det är för något,
eller om jag ens kommer att gilla den.
Det visar sig dock snart ;)

23 July 2008


Went to see when Götheborg arrived today.
Quite nice despite some minor things.

More pictures found here.

08 July 2008

another week has passed...AGAIN

Yet another week, almost. Some more emails have been exchanged. Seems like I will have to wait with this "plan of mine" until next round of applications. It's too late for this round - as I have suspected all along but it was worth a try :( 

Guess I will survive even if this adds approximately another 6 months to the process ;)

02 July 2008

another step along the way

Halfway there, or perhaps a bit less BUT at least finally moving into a good direction again after being lost in the dark & unknown for I don't know how long time. First steps of the "application procedure" are taken - now I only wait for them to reply. Again. Then the next step. Just like earlier today.

All of this due to one of those "suddenly you wake up one day and realise that 'life' is not what you want it to be anymore" moments.

"soon as in my soon? or soon as in a regular soon? or soon-soon?"
(couldn't have said it better myself)